
In [1]: ? 

IPython -- An enhanced Interactive Python

IPython offers a fully compatible replacement for the standard Python
interpreter, with convenient shell features, special commands, command
history mechanism and output results caching.

At your system command line, type 'ipython -h' to see the command line
options available. This document only describes interactive features.


Within IPython you have various way to access help:

  ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features (this screen).
  object?   -> Details about 'object'.
  object??  -> More detailed, verbose information about 'object'.
  %quickref -> Quick reference of all IPython specific syntax and magics.
  help      -> Access Python's own help system.

If you are in terminal IPython you can quit this screen by pressing `q`.


* Access to the standard Python help with object docstrings and the Python
  manuals. Simply type 'help' (no quotes) to invoke it.

* Magic commands: type %magic for information on the magic subsystem.

* System command aliases, via the %alias command or the configuration file(s).

* Dynamic object information:

  Typing ?word or word? prints detailed information about an object. Certain


In [3]: import os

In [4]: help(os)
Help on module os:

    os - OS routines for NT or Posix depending on what system we're on.

    The following documentation is automatically generated from the Python
    source files.  It may be incomplete, incorrect or include features that
    are considered implementation detail and may vary between Python
    implementations.  When in doubt, consult the module reference at the
    location listed above.

    This exports:
      - all functions from posix, nt or ce, e.g. unlink, stat, etc.
      - os.path is either posixpath or ntpath
      - os.name is either 'posix', 'nt' or 'ce'.
      - os.curdir is a string representing the current directory ('.' or ':')
      - os.pardir is a string representing the parent directory ('..' or '::')
      - os.sep is the (or a most common) pathname separator ('/' or ':' or '\\')
      - os.extsep is the extension separator (always '.')
      - os.altsep is the alternate pathname separator (None or '/')
      - os.pathsep is the component separator used in $PATH etc
      - os.linesep is the line separator in text files ('\r' or '\n' or '\r\n')
      - os.defpath is the default search path for executables
      - os.devnull is the file path of the null device ('/dev/null', etc.)


In [7]: a?
Type:        int
String form: 100
int(x=0) -> integer
int(x, base=10) -> integer

Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments
are given.  If x is a number, return x.__int__().  For floating point
numbers, this truncates towards zero.

If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string,
bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in the
given base.  The literal can be preceded by '+' or '-' and be surrounded
by whitespace.  The base defaults to 10.  Valid bases are 0 and 2-36.
Base 0 means to interpret the base from the string as an integer literal.
>>> int('0b100', base=0)


In [8]: a??
Type:        int
String form: 100
int(x=0) -> integer
int(x, base=10) -> integer

Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments
are given.  If x is a number, return x.__int__().  For floating point
numbers, this truncates towards zero.

If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string,
bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in the
given base.  The literal can be preceded by '+' or '-' and be surrounded
by whitespace.  The base defaults to 10.  Valid bases are 0 and 2-36.
Base 0 means to interpret the base from the string as an integer literal.
>>> int('0b100', base=0)



In [15]: b = 1000

In [16]: type(b)
Out[16]: int

In [17]: _
Out[17]: int


In [15]: b = 1000

In [16]: type(b)
Out[16]: int

In [17]: _
Out[17]: int

In [18]: c = "i love python"

In [19]: print(c)
i love python

In [20]: __
Out[20]: int


In [15]: b = 1000

In [16]: type(b)
Out[16]: int

In [17]: _
Out[17]: int

In [18]: c = "i love python"

In [19]: print(c)
i love python

In [20]: __
Out[20]: int

In [21]: d = "hello ipython"

In [22]: print(d)
hello ipython

In [23]: ___
Out[23]: int


In [24]: _dh
Out[24]: ['/home/python/jjedu/projects/cmdb']


In [25]: _oh
{5: module,
 10: module,
 11: module,
 14: module,
 16: int,
 17: int,
 20: int,
 23: int,
 24: ['/home/python/jjedu/projects/cmdb']}



In [27]: !pwd

In [28]: !free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            992         654          64           0         273         182
Swap:             0           0           0


□ 使用%百分号开头的,IPython内置的特殊方法
1.%magic,%line magic,%%是cell magic,notebook的cell。

In [30]: alias ll ls -l

In [31]: ll
total 38216
-rw------- 1 python python   242133 Apr 16 15:33 nohup.out
-rw-rw-r-- 1 python python     2967 Mar 31 13:38 九九乘法表.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 python python     2281 Apr  9 13:24 冒泡法.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 python python     4395 Apr  3 16:40 列表.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 python python     3474 Apr 10 10:19 字符串.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 python python     4568 Mar 31 13:46 打印闪电_菱形_乘法表.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 python python    29439 Apr 12 17:15 批量替换字符串中的字符.ipynb

3.%timeit statement

  1. %%timeit setup_code
  2. %cd改变当前工作目录,cd可以认为是%cd的连接,路径历史在_dh中查看。

    In [32]: %cd /data

    In [33]: _dh
    Out[33]: ['/home/python/jijiedu/projects/cmdb', '/data']


In [34]: %pwd
Out[34]: '/data'


In [37]: %ls
nohup.out         列表.ipynb                  批量替换字符串中的字符.ipynb  猴子吃桃问题讲解_100以内斐波那契数列.ipynb


